Top 10 Challenges

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The Top10Cs Open Forum will be organized with a series of events/outputs by dividing into four stages:

  • Challenge Collection Stage: May 1 ~ July 12
  • At this stage, we solicit challenges from people around the world. No matter what your background or viewpoint, you are welcome to submit your challenges via the "Sumbit" in this page. You can also submit you challenges by sending email to, the contents of the email are expected to consist of title and brief description of the proposed challenges, your name, email address and affinity. There is no limit on the number of challenges for one. The Top10Cs Committee will track what you have submitted and discussed over different social media, summarize the submitted challenges, important opinions and other information.
  • Challenge Selection Stage: July 13 ~ August 2
  • A whole list of all submitted challenges will be posted on the Top10Cs website for open selection. The selection will be cast by two groups of people, the crowd, i.e., people like you, and TPC members at 2015 conferences of UIC, ATC, ScalCom, CBDCom and IoP. Each person can select for up to 10 challenges via the Top10Cs website. Therefore, the final Challenges Selected Results with the top 10 selections will be generated.
  • Forum Panel Stage: August 11
  • A Top10Cs open forum panel will be held together with the smart world summit during the 2015 Smart World Congress. Two sets of selected top 10 challenges and detailed information about the selection will be first reported by the Top10Cs committee. Next, invited Top10Cs keynote speakers will give their comments or own ideas on the top 10 challenges. Afterwards, the forum will have open discussions. The proposers of and selectors for the top 10 challenges will be given awards.
  • Challenge Report Stage: August 14 ~
  • The Top10Cs committee will come up a final Top10Cs summary report about the top 10 challenges selected results(Open selection & TPC section), keynote statements, audience comments, and other data including a complete list of the challenges collected, their total selections, statistical data, etc. For each of the top 10 challenges, the report will list names of these who have submitted Challenge(s) in Challenge Collection Stage. The report will be posted on Top10Cs website for open access.

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