Selected Top 10 Smart World Challenges
We would like to thank all people who submited challenges, selected for 10 challenges, and join the Top 10 Challenges Panel. The selection result of top 10 challenges has been announced at the Top 10 Challenges Panel on August 11, 2015. 327 people (111 TC members and 216 Non-TC members) selected for the top 10 challenges, the selection results can be found at the following lists:
Top 10 SW Challenges Selected by TC Members
C1. Can machines and the people think together?
Proposer: Flavius Gorgonio.
C60. Privacy protection in the Internet of Things
Proposer: Yaozhong Song, Arizona State University, United States.
C5. Wearable Devices Developement and Security Challenges
Proposer: Qitao Mu, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China.
C7. Bridging the gap between the world and its computer model
Proposer: Weishan Zhang, China University of Petroleum, China.
C27. How to process heterogeneous big data from smart things?
Proposer: Yiqiang Sheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
C10. ubiquitous computing and security
Proposer: Andrew Mckeown , Birmingham City University, UK.
C17. Smart Software Infrastructure for Smart Worlds
Proposer: Wenbing Zhao, Cleveland State University, USA.
C3. Can memory storage devices be embedded in the human brain?
Proposer: Xinxin Wang, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China.
C36. Can machines have its own thought?
Proposer: Karven Ping, China university of geosciences, China.
C44. Brain to Brain Communication with Human Charging
Proposer: Noor Ullah, MSC Lab, Dalian University of Technology, China.
Top 10 SW Challenges Selected by Non-TC members
C3. Can memory storage devices be embedded in the human brain?
Proposer: Xinxin Wang, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China.
C1. Can machines and the people think together?
Proposer: Flavius Gorgonio.
C60. Privacy protection in the Internet of Things
Proposer: Yaozhong Song, Arizona State University, United States.
C5. Wearable Devices Developement and Security Challenges
Proposer: Qitao Mu, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China.
C10. ubiquitous computing and security
Proposer: Andrew Mckeown , Birmingham City University, UK.
C36. Can machines have its own thought?
Proposer: Karven Ping, China university of geosciences, China.
C7. Bridging the gap between the world and its computer model
Proposer: Weishan Zhang, China University of Petroleum, China.
C44. Brain to Brain Communication with Human Charging
Proposer: Noor Ullah, MSC Lab, Dalian University of Technology, China.
C27. How to process heterogeneous big data from smart things?
Proposer: Yiqiang Sheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
C16. How to evaluate the intelligence of smart world?
Proposer: Wangpeng Zhan, Shanghai University, China.
Congratulations to all proposers of Top 10 Challenges. Please contact us on, then we will send the award certificate to you.
NOTE: There are some same selections that are strange. In order to guarantee the validity and correctness of the results, we count one effective selection for the same selections.