Scope and Topics

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Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Toipc 1: Cyber Philosophy, Cyberlogic and Cyber Science

 • Cyber and cyber-enabled existing and entity
 • Cyber and cyber-enabled spaces
 • Cyber philosophy
 • Cyberlogic and methods
 • Cyber Science
 • Cyberspace Education, Learning and Training

Toipc 2: Cyber Living

 • Cyber-enabled physical living space and environment
 • Cyber-enabled social living space and environment
 • Cyber-enabled thinking living space and environment
 • Cyber living theory, technology and application and service
 • Cyber society and community
 • Smart Home/Neighborhood/Cities
 • Smart building and working enviroment
 • Cyberspace administration and international cooperation
 • Smart/Intelligent Education and Learning
 • Games and Entertainment

Toipc 3: Cyber Health and Smart Healthcare

 • Cyber health solutions
 • Cyber health detection and evaluation
 • Smart healthcare and active assisted living
 • Assisted living robot and applications
 • Security architectures and protection mechanisms for smart healthcare
 • Cyber physical smart healthcare systems
 • Machine learning based healthcare models and applications
 • Real-time data processing for cyber health
 • Wearable sensor-based healthcare solutions
 • Hardware based acceleration for cyber health systems
 • Prototype, test-bed design and demonstrations for healthcare solutions

Toipc 4: Cyber-syndrome and Cyber recovery

 • Internet user physical, social and mental disease, detection and evaluation
 • Mobile phone user physical, social and mental disease, detection and evaluation
 • Human-Machine Disease, detection and evaluation
 • Game addiction, evaluation and recovering
 • Cyber and Cyber-enabled recovering method and solutions

Toipc 5: Social Computing and Cyber Physical Social Systems

 • Fundamentals of social computing
 • Social system design and architectures
 • Mobile social computing
 • Modeling of social behavior, social conventions and social contexts
 • Social network analysis and mining
 • Social media analytics
 • Social media infrastructure and cloud computing
 • Big social media data
 • Computational models of social simulation
 • Social cognition and social intelligence
 • Group formation and evolution
 • Group interaction, collaboration, representation and profiling
 • Social service and service oriented interaction design
 • Cyber-enabled social government and management
 • Business social software systems
 • Cyber-enabled physical systems
 • Cyber-enabled social applications and services

Toipc 6: Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection

 • Autonomous Healthcare and Assistance
 • Privacy and Security of Health Data
 • Cybersecurity technology and solutions
 • Cyber-enabled physical, social and thinking protection solutions for attack
 • Malice behavior detection and identification
 • Privacy Protection for users or data
 • Trust and evaluation methods for cyber and cyber-enabled activity and behavior

Toipc 7: Brain-Machine Integration and Neural Information Processing

 • Neural Information Processing
 • Brain-Like Computing and Intelligent Information Systems
 • Brain Informatics and Health
 • Affective and Cognitive Computing
 • Neural and Rehabilitation Engineering

Toipc 8: Cyber crisis warning and public safety

 • Cyber natural disaster warning and command, including flood, typhoon, debris flow etc.
 • Cyber ecological environment disaster warning and command, including invasive species, chemical leak, genetically modified (gm) diffusion etc.
 • Cyber traffic accident warning and command, including roads, airports and airspace, channel, etc.
 • Cyber major public health disaster warning and command, including infectious diseases, food poisoning etc.
 • Cyber anti-terrorism warning and command.
 • Cyber financial security early warning system and regulation.
 • Cyber early warning and guide the social public opinion and public opinion.

Toipc 9: Cyber diagnosis

 • Deep-Transfer Learning in cyber smart medicinal diagnosis
 • Smart medicinal diagnosis on multimodal sensors and smart objects
 • Smart patient condition screening, visualization and monitoring
 • Deep learning for disease location, disease classification, disease retrieval
 • Other smart methods of Cyber medicinal diagnosis

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