CyberDI 2021

CyberLife 2021

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Welcome Message

The recent advances in Smart IoT and Artificial Intelligence have driven cyberspace entering into a new prosperous era, and cyberspace in turn have expanded to novel and interesting domains such as Cyberspace Intelligence, Cyber-living and Cyber-life. The brilliant Cyberspace congress (CyberCon 2021) consists of The International Conference on Cyberspace Data and Intelligence 2021 (CyberDI 2021) and The International Conference on Cyber-Living, Cyber-Syndrome and Cyber-Health 2021 (CyberLife 2021), and it will be totally conformed to the great development boom of cyberspace and cyber techniques. We sincerely welcome leading experts, researchers and scholars in cyberspace, cyber-data, cyber-intelligence, cyber-living and other emerging technologies attending the congress and serving as a guide to the state-of-the-art.

The safety and well-being of all congress participants is our top priority. You are warmly invited to the Cyberspace Congress (CyberCon 2021) in September 2021 to share your great ideas, visions and research results.

Prof. Huansheng Ning
IET Fellow, IEEE Senior Member

Chair/Founder of the Beijing Cyberspace International Science
and Technology Cooperation Base

Vice Chair/Co-founder of Beijing Engineering Research Center
for Cyberspace Data Analysis and Applications

Joint Executive Chair on behalf of the Organizing and Program Committee

Views 1270

Other Activities


---China-Europe Innovation Forum on Smart Health and Privacy Protection

With the tremendous success of last year’s China-Europe Innovation Forum in CyberCon 2019, China-Europe Innovation Forum will continue to provide an opportunity for academic researchers, industrial technology and solution developers, healthcare service providers,


---China-Europe Game and User experience Workshop

With the popularity of serious games (SGs), and their applications in many domains, such as virtual tourism and augmented reality learning, the serious games have brought new innovation in education, training, engineering, and business, etc. The prosperity of SGs

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