
Download - Call for Workshop Proposals: |PDF | WORD |

Accepted Workshop

Please find the accepted workshop paper list:

Call for Workshop Proposals

The International Conference on Cyberspace Data and Intelligence 2019 (CyberDI 2019) will be held in Beijing, China, during December 16-18, 2019. In addition to technical sessions, the program will also include a set of workshops. The goal of the workshops is to explore emerging research topics, and to provide a forum for authors to present early research results on those topics. Workshop papers are expected to focus on more specific research areas than those in the main conference.

Workshop organizers are responsible for forming program committees, circulating Call for Papers, organizing submissions and reviews as well as planning the final programs. CyberDI 2019 workshop co-chairs will assist the workshop organizers in organizing workshops and ensure their quality and success. The registration fees for workshops will be determined by the conference (not the workshop itself), which will be paid to the conference directly. The conference will provide workshop facilities including the working notes printing, the meeting room, coffee break, lunch, proceedings, etc.

Proposal Submission

A workshop proposal, should provide the following information:

  1. Title, scope and topics of the workshop
  2. The short bios of the key organizers and their experience on conference/ workshop organization
  3. Tentative list of program committee members
  4. The procedure for selecting papers, plans for dissemination (e.g., how to advertise and special issues of journals), and the expected number of participants
  5. Past history of the workshop if any (where held, number of papers, number of participants)

* Previously organized workshops do not need to send the abovementioned information, just send the link of the previously organized workshop

Workshop organizers should send their workshop proposals to Dr. Qinghua Lu ([AT], and Dr. Shaohua Wan (shwanhust[AT] notification of acceptance for workshop proposals will be made shortly after the deadline. Please include in the email subject "CyberDI 2019 Workshop Proposals".

Workshop important dates

  • Proposal due: July. 31, 2019
  • Proposal notification: Within one week after proposal submission
  • Submission & notification dues: To be decided by individual workshop
  • Camera ready version due: October 15, 2019