Beijing International Science and Technology Cooperation Base for Cybermatics and Cyberspace

Cyberspace Big Data and Content Security Engineering Technology Research Center

Lab Introduction 中文 | English
“网络空间智能与大数据实验室”成立于 2013 年,主要从事物联网、网络空间智能、网络空间大数据研究。实验室现有教授 5 人、 副教授 4 人、讲师 2 人、博士研究生 12 名(含 6 名留学生)、硕士生 20 余人。
实验室(牵头)与中科院网络中心、中远物流等联合建立了国际合作基地,于 2014 年 被北京市科委认定为“赛博(网络空间) 北京市国际科技合作基地” (Beijing International Science and Technology Cooperation Base for Cybermatics and Cyberspace)(2017 年通过验收,进入第二个建设期), 依托基地与美国、英国、法国、加拿大、日本等开展了广泛的合作,并联合创建了国际学术组织 IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Cybermatics。
实验室与公安部下属单位共建了大数据工程技术研究中心,于 2016 年被北京市科委认定为“北京市网络空间数据分析与应用工程技术研究中心 ”,开展大数据分析、内容安全、深度学习等研究。承办2013国际赛博科技大会(http://www.china-iot.net/ ), 2015国际智能空间大会(http://www.cybermatics.org/SmartWorldCongress2015/),在全球具有广泛的影响力。与国际学者联合创建了 The IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing (CBDCom,2015),The IEEE International Conference on Internet of People (IoP,2015),The IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT,2017),此后各会每年在全球举办一次。2019年,创建国际网络空间大会(http://www.cybermatics.org/cybercon/ ), 2020年因疫情原因,改为线上举办(http://www.cybermatics.org/cybercon2020/ ),此后计划每年举办一届。
国际化是本实验室人才培养的一大特点。实验室除了有相当数量的来自不同国家的留学生,实验室还与英国德蒙福特大学联合成立了 “北京科技大学-德蒙福特大学中英智能健康联合实验室”(DMU-USTB Smart Healthcare Co-Laboratory),“赛博智能国际研究中心”(International Research Center on Cyber-Intelligence), 在国际上成立了 IEEE Smart World Technical Committee Task Force on User-Centred Smart Systems。双方在国家自然科学基金-英国皇家学会合作项目及欧盟地平线 2020 项目支持下共同培养研究生, 双方每年举办一次“中欧智能健康论坛”。除英国之外,每年都有多名研究生赴法国、加拿大、澳大利亚或瑞典进行访学、交流和参加国际会议。
实验室目前承担了 6 项国家自然科学基金、2 项国家重点研发计划课题、军委科技委预研基金等一系列纵向及产学研科技项目。 获教育部自然科学二等奖 1 项、北京市科技进步二等奖1项、中国通信学会自然科学二等奖1项、山东省科技进步二等奖1项,发表SCI论文 200 余篇 、申请发明专利近 20 项、出版中英文著作/教材 4 部。 研究生获校长奖章提名奖、国家奖学金、北科大研究生十佳、北京市优秀毕业生等。
实验室负责人宁焕生教授,曾任北京科技大学计通学院副院长、晋中学院副校长(挂职),现任教育部科技委委员(2021-2025),英国阿尔斯特大学讲席教授(2020-2024), IET Fellow(2018-)。担任IEEE System Journal 编辑(2014-2020), IEEE Internet of Things Journal领域编辑(2020-),以及一系列 SCI 专刊的客座编辑。2013 年和 2015 年以联合执行主席身份分别承办了 IEEE 国际赛博科技大会、 IEEE 国际智能空间大会, 以及一系列国际会议的主席、技术委员会主席等。曾获 IEEE Golden Core Member Award 、IEEE Computer Society Meritorious Service Award。 个人简历:http://www.cybermatics.org/lab/HuanshengNing.html
June 28-29, 2018, Beijing, China
The conference was funded by the Kuancheng Wang Education Foundation(此次会议得到王宽诚教育基金会资助)
The first Cyberspace and Cyber-enabled spaces Forum 2018(Cyber Forum 2018) will be in line with the tenet of "strengthen exchange, cooperation, innovation", the participating experts and scholars will focus on emerging technology, the research progress of network space, the development prospect and so on carries on the concrete discussion. Rely on foundation and previous research results, the meeting will include Cyber Forum 2018 and One-belt one Road cooperation Seminar, The 2nd China-Europe Forum on Smart Healthy Aging and Privacy Protection (Share2018) and Future Information Technology Forum for Overseas Young Scholars. It will promote the innovation and development of our country in the fields of generalized cyberspace, big data and intelligent healthcare (endowment).
You are cordially welcome participations in the Cyberspace and Cyber-enabled spaces Forum 2018(Cyber Forum 2018) to share your ideas, visions and researches.

The 2nd China-Europe Forum on Smart Healthy Aging and Privacy Protection (Share2018)
(Brief Agenda)
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International Organization
Cyber-X International Congress
---Cyber Subject and Cyber-enabled Interdiscipline
We believe that the frontier information science are basically characterized by not only catching up with the human intelligence (e.g. intelligent sensing, making decision and control, etc), but also learn much from the nature-inspired attributes (e.g., dynamics, self-adaptability, energy saving). Among such research areas, a newly-emerged interdisciplinary, Cybermatics (i.e., cyber technology) as we called here, includes three main aspects: Internet of Things (IoT), cyber, physical and social computing, and green computing and communications.
Cybermatics Congress:
Cybermatics 2021, Melbourne, Australia:
Cybermatics 2020, Rhodes Island, Greece:
Cybermatics 2019, Atlanta , USA:
Cybermatics 2018, Halifax, CAN:
Cybermatics 2016, Chengdu, China:
Cybermatics 2015, Sydney, Australia:
Cybermatics 2014, Taipei, Taiwan:
Cybermatics 2013, Beijing, China:
Related Info:
---Cyber-Physicial-Social-Thinking Hyperworld
With the rapid progresses of information science and technology, novel disciplinary fields have emerged, such as Mobile Internet, Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical System (CPS), Social Computing, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Brain Informatics, and Internet of People (IoP), etc. Their research and application have being speeded up the formation of cyber space, which will further lead to a subversive change for information science development as well as human production and living. The development of these technologies directly contribute to the deep convergence between the new cyber space and the traditional ones including physical, social and thinking spaces towards a quaternionic convergent space, the Cyber-Physical-Social-Thinking Hyperspace, on which a Smart World are being created.
Smart World Congress:
Smart World Congress 2020, Atlanta, USA:
Smart World Congress 2020, Melbourne, Australia:
Smart World Congress 2019, Leicester , UK:
Smart World Congress 2018, Guangzhou, China:
Smart World Congress 2017, San Francisco, USA:
Smart World Congress 2016, Toulous, France:
Smart World Congress 2015, Beijing, China:
Related Info:
J. Ma, "Ubiquitous Intelligence-The Intelligence Revolution," ID People Magazine, 2005.
Cyber Science
---Cyber and Cyber-enabled Science and Technology
Aiming to explore a novel science and technology framework for the Cyber subject and Cyber-enabled interdiscipline. Particularly, a cyber-physical-social-thinking (CPST) hyperspace is established by involving an attractive concept of the Internet of Thinking (IoTk), which is Brain abstracted, and a science and technology framework is accordingly need to proposed referring to both scientific aspect (i.e., cyber-physical, social, and noetic sciences) and technological aspect (i.e., fundamental, physical, cyber, and social technologies).
Cyber Science and Technology Congress:
CyberSciTech 2021, Calgary, Canada:
CyberSciTech 2020, Calgary, Canada:
CyberSciTech 2019, Fukuoka, Japan:
CyberSciTech 2018, Athens, Greece:
CyberSciTech 2017, Florida, USA:
CyberSciTech 2016, New Zealand:
Related Info:
J. Ma, " Cyber Science and Sociology", invited talk in CyberSocialCom Forum, Hangzhou, 2009.
H. Ning, H. Liu, W. Du, J. Wu, Z. Wang, L. T. Yang, et al., "Human-attention inspired resource allocation for heterogeneous sensors in the Web of things," Intelligent Systems, IEEE, vol. 28, pp. 20-28, 2013.
H. Ning and Z. Wang, "Future internet of things architecture: like mankind neural system or social organization framework?," Communications Letters, IEEE, vol. 15, pp. 461-463, 2011.
Ning H. Unit and Ubiquitous Internet of Things[J]. CRC Press Inc, 2013, 17:: 1.
Cyberspace Data and Intelligence Lab