
Course Introduction

课程介绍 Course Introduction
All objects, as well as their behavioral activities and relationships, exist in time and space. For human beings, we live in a complex and diverse physical space, social space and thinking space. With the development of computer, a new space, Cyberspace, has been quietly formed and rapidly integrated into our production and life. Therefore, Cyberspace has become the fourth basic living space for human beings.
课程亮点 highlight :
1. 以国际前沿网络空间技术为核心,以赛博学,物联网和物理学为基础
    Based on leading-edge technology - cyberspace, and build on cybermatics, IoT and physics.
2. 以多媒体视频交互方式进行授课
    A interactive online course.
3. 课程语言通俗易懂,课程内容生动有趣
    With notable features of easy understanding and interesting content.
4. 中英文双语版本
    With both Chinese and English editions.
课程中包含了各种典型的小案例,可以帮助学习者更好地理解和掌握相关知识。 本课程兼具科普和学术风格,对普及网络空间相关理论知识、引导学习者对网络空间时代的思考等都具有重要意义。
The course contains a variety of typical small cases, which can help learners better understand and master the relevant knowledge. This course combines science popularization and academia. It is of great significance to popularize the relevant knowledge of cyberspace and to guide learners to think about the cyberspace era.
课程样例 Course Example
课程目标 Objectives of the Course
     Systematically and comprehensively understand the concept and history of cyberspace
     Understand the current problems of cyberspace and coordination mechanisms
     Understand the living, health and disease rehabilitation of cyberspace
     Understand how ubiquitous connections and spatial integration in cyberspace are formed
     Understand the relationship among cyberspace, intelligence and people, as well as the development trend of human-computer intelligence
     Understand that data, intelligence and cyberspace security will be the three world-changing elements
     Understand the impact and changes of cyberspace and intelligence on our daily life
开课时间 Date of the Course
第一轮开课:2019-10-25 ~ 2020-2-3, 选课人数 750 余人
The first round of courses: 2019-10-25 ~ 2020-2-3, Student number: 750+
第二轮开课:2020-2-14 ~ 2020-6-30, 选课人数 540 余人
The second round of courses: 2020-2-14 ~ 2020-6-30, Student number: 540+
第三轮开课:2020-9-21 ~ 2020-12-31,选课人数229余人
The third round of courses: 2020-9-21 ~ 2020-12-31, Student number: 229+
第四轮开课:2021-3-13 ~ 2021-6-30,选课人数238余人
The fourth round of courses: 2021-3-13 ~ 2021-6-30, Student number: 238+
第五轮开课:2021-9-12 ~ 2022-1-28,选课人数250余人
The fifth round of courses: 2021-9-12 ~ 2022-1-28, Student number: 250+
第五轮开课:2021-9-12 ~ 2022-1-28,选课人数250余人
The fifth round of courses: 2021-9-12 ~ 2022-1-28, Student number: 250+
第六轮开课:2022-2-26 ~ 2022-6-30
The sixth round of courses: 2022-2-26
课程目录 Course Content
  • 01 网络空间概论
         Introduction to Cyberspace
    • 1.1 课程引言
            Course Introduction
            PDF(in Chinese) , PDF(in English)
    • 1.2 我们生活在网络空间中
            We Live in Cyberspace
            PDF(in English)
    • 1.3 网络(赛博)空间的词源与定义
            Etymology and Definition of Cyberspace
            PDF(in English)
    • 1.4 网络空间的发展史
            History of Cyberspace
            PDF(in English)
    • 1.5 网络空间哲学基础:空间与存在
            The Philosophical Foundation of Cyberspace: Space and Existence
            PDF(in English)
    • 1.6 赛博化与赛博使能
            Cyberization & Cyber-enabled
            PDF(in English)
    • 1.7 网络空间中有什么?数据、信息、知识、智慧
            What's in cyberspace? Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom
            PDF(in Chinese) , PDF(in English)
    • 1.8 网络空间逻辑:哲学、科学、技术
            Cyberspace Logic: Philosophy, Science, Technology
            PDF(in English)
  • 02 网络空间安全与治理
         Cyberspace Security and Governance
    • 2.1 网络空间安全与治理概述
            Overview of Cyberspace Security and Governance
            PDF(in Chinese) , PDF(in English)
    • 2.2 网络空间际安全与治理
            Cyberspace Security and Governance
    • 2.3 网络空间国际治理
            International Governance on Cyberspace
    • 2.4 社会治理与公共安全
            Social Governance and Public Safety
    • 2.5 网络空间个人行为规范与治理
            Personal Rules of Conduct and Governance in Cyberspace
            PDF(in Chinese) , PDF(in English)
    • 2.6 网络科技时代的个人隐私保护
            Personal Privacy Protection in the Age of Network Technology
    • 2.7 网络空间冲突与协调机制
            Cyberspace Conflict and Coordination Mechanism
    • 2.8 舆情监测与引导
            Public Opinion Monitoring and Guidance
    • 2.9 网络空间法律建设
            Cyberspace Law Construction
    • 2.10网络空间伦理与道德问题
            Cyberspace Ethics and Moral Issues
    • 2.11网络犯罪与电信诈骗
            Cybercrime and Telecom Fraud
            PDF(in Chinese) , PDF(in English)
  • 03 网络空间生活、疾病与健康
         Cyberspace Living, Diseases and Health
  • 04 网络泛在连接与智能
         Network Ubiquitous Connectivity and Intelligence
    • 4.1 从泛在连接的角度看空间融合
            Viewing Spatial Fusion from the Perspective of Ubiquitous Connections
            PDF(in Chinese) , PDF(in English)
    • 4.2 物联网与信息物理系统
            Internet of Things and Information Physics System
    • 4.3 智能物联网发展趋势:以工业物联网为例
            Trends in Intelligent Internet of Things: Taking the Industrial Internet of Things as an Example
    • 4.4 人联网
            Internet of People
            PDF(in Chinese) , PDF(in English)
    • 4.5 思维联网
            Internet of Thinking
            PDF(in Chinese) , PDF(in English)
    • 4.6 计算通信智能融合
            Computing Communication Intelligence Fusion
    • 4.7 网络空间智能概述
            Overview of Cyberspace Intelligence
    • 4.8 人机智能发展趋势探讨
            Discussion on the Development Trend of Human-Computer Intelligence
    • 4.9 人工智能风险及智能对抗
            Artificial Intelligence Risk and Smart Confrontation
    • 4.10 物联网与云, 雾, 边缘计算
            Internet of Things and Clouds, Fog, Edge Computing
            PDF(in Chinese) , PDF(in English)
  • 05 网络空间展望
         Cyberspace Outlook
    • 5.1 广义网络空间
            Generalized cyberspace
            PDF(in Chinese) , PDF(in English)
    • 5.2 网络空间未来问题
            Future Issues in Cyberspace
    • 5.3 网络空间安全专业建设及人才培养问题
            Cyberspace Security Professional Construction and Talent Cultivation Issues