Some works relative to the congress topic from CyberDI lab and other authors.
IoX enabled CyberX
General cyberspace: Cyberspace and cyber-enabled spaces.
H Ning, X Ye, MA Bouras, D Wei, M Daneshmand.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (3), 1843-1856, 2018.[PDF]
Cyberlogic paves the way from cyber philosophy to cyber science.
H Ning, Q Li, D Wei, H Liu, T Zhu.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 4 (3), 783-790, 2017.[PDF]
Cybermatics: Cyber–physical–social–thinking hyperspace based science and technology.
H Ning, H Liu, J Ma, T Yang, R Huang.
Future generation computer systems 56, 504-522, 2016.[PDF]
Cyber-Syndrome and its Formation, Classification, Recovery and Prevention.
Huansheng Ning, Sahraoui Dhelim, Mohammed Amine Bouras, Amar Khelloufi, Ata Ullah.
IEEE Access, 6, 35501-35511, 2018.[PDF]
Cybermatics: Advanced Strategy and Technology for Cyber-Enabled Systems and Applications.
Zhou, Xiaokang, et al.
Future generation computer systems-The International Journal Of Escience, 79 (1), 350–53, 2018.
Cyber-Individual Meets Brain Informatics.
J. Ma, J. Wen, R. Huang, and B. Huang.
IEEE Intell. Syst., 26 (5), 30–37, 2011.
Cyber-Enabled Well-Being Oriented Daily Living Support Based on Personal Data Analytics.
Kasuya, Seiji, et al.
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2017.
Sexual Orientation Disparities in Mental Health and Substance Use among Black American Young People in the USA: Effects of Cyber and Bias-Based Victimisation.
Mereish, Ethan H., et al.
CULTURE HEALTH & SEXUALITY, 21 (9), 985–98, 2019.
Ubiquitous Internet of Things Theory, Architecture and Knowledge System
Future internet of things architecture: like mankind neural system or social organization framework?
H Ning, Z Wang.
IEEE Communications Letters 15 (4), 461-463, 2011. [PDF]
Unit and ubiquitous internet of things.
H Ning.
CRC press, 2016.
Cyber-physical-social-thinking space based science and technology framework for the Internet of Things.
HS Ning, H Liu.
Science China Information Sciences 58 (3), 1-19, 2015.[PDF]
Technology classification, industry, and education for Future Internet of Things.
H Ning, S Hu.
International Journal of Communication Systems 25 (9), 1230-1241.[PDF]
电子学报 38 (11), 2590-2599, 2010.
Research on global Internet of Things' developments and its construction in China.
H Ning, Q Xu.
Acta Electronica Sinica 38 (11), 2590-2599, 2010.[PDF]
宁焕生, 张瑜, 刘芳丽, 刘文明, 渠慎丰.
电子学报 34 (B12), 2514-2517, 2006.
Research on China internet of things' services and management.
H Ning, Y Zhang, F Liu, W Liu, S Qu.
Acta Electronica Sinica 34 (12), 2514-2517, 2006.[PDF]
The Social Internet of Things (SIoT) – When social networks meet the Internet of Things: Concept, architecture and network characterization.
Atzori L , Iera A , Morabito G , et al.
Computer Networks, 2012, 56(16):3594---3608.
Future internet: The internet of things.
Tan L, Wang N.
2010 3rd international conference on advanced computer theory and engineering (ICACTE). IEEE, 2010, 5: V5-376-V5-380.
Ubiquitous ID: standards for ubiquitous computing and the internet of things.
Koshizuka N, Sakamura K.
IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2010 (4): 98-101.
The Internet of Things: Building a knowledge management system for open innovation and knowledge management capacity.
Santoro G, Vrontis D, Thrassou A, et al.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2018, 136: 347-354.
Smart objects as building blocks for the internet of things.
Kortuem G, Kawsar F, Sundramoorthy V, et al.
IEEE Internet Computing, 2009, 14(1): 44-51.
IoT Things' sensing, modelling, resolution and security
An Attention Mechanism Inspired Selective Sensing Framework for Physical-Cyber Mapping in Internet of Things.
H Ning, X Ye, AB Sada, L Mao, M Daneshmand.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019. [PDF]
Fog computing based face identification and resolution scheme in internet of things.
P Hu, H Ning, T Qiu, Y Zhang, X Luo.
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 13 (4), 1910-1920, 2016.[PDF]
Edge Computing Based ID and nID Combined Identification and Resolution Scheme in IoT.
H Ning, X Liu, X Ye, JHW Zhang, M Daneshmand.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019. [PDF]
PersoNet: Friend Recommendation System Based on Big-Five Personality Traits and Hybrid Filtering .
Huansheng Ning, Sahraoui Dhelim, Nyothiri Aung.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social System, 2019.[PDF]
Association Rule-Based Breast Cancer Prevention and Control System.
A Li, L Liu, A Ullah, R Wang, J Ma, R Huang, Z Yu, H Ning.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2019.[PDF]
Cyberentity security in the internet of things.
H Ning, H Liu, T Yang.
Computer 46 (4), 46-53, 2013.[PDF]
Context aware computing for the internet of things: A survey.
C. Perera, A. Zaslavsky, P. Christen, and D. Georgakopoulos.
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 414–454, 2014.
Physical-layer security in the Internet of Things: Sensing and communication confidentiality under resource constraints.
Mukherjee A.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 2015, 103(10): 1747-1761.
Securing the internet of things.
Roman R, Najera P, Lopez J.
Computer, 2011 (9): 51-58.
Compressed sensing signal and data acquisition in wireless sensor networks and internet of things.
Li S, Da Xu L, Wang X.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2012, 9(4): 2177-2186.
Sensor search techniques for sensing as a service architecture for the internet of things.
Perera C, Zaslavsky A, Liu C H, et al.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2013, 14(2): 406-420.
Ubiquitous ID: standards for ubiquitous computing and the internet of things.
Koshizuka N, Sakamura K.
IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2010 (4): 98-101.