
USTB(China)-DMU(UK) Smart Healthcare Co-Laboratory       

Co-Laboratory Working and Achievements

一、中英合作内容(China-UK Cooperation)

1. 合作项目(Cooperation Projects)

1) 2019年01月01日至2022年12月31日,北京科技大学宁焕生教授受到国家自然科学基金(61872038)资助,承担《基于传感器和概率语义方法的室内活动识别研究》面上项目,德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授作为项目的重要参与者。
2019.01.01-2022.12.31, “The research on activity of daily living recognition based on sensors and probabilistic semantics method” (Head: Professor Huansheng Ning (USTB), Participate: Liming Chen (DMU)) was funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61872038).

2) 2018年04月01日至2020年03月30日,北京科技大学宁焕生教授和德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授受到国家自然科学基金(61811530335)-英国Royal Society(No.IEC∖NSFC∖170067)联合资助,共同承担中英合作交流基金《智慧医养物联网中隐私保护研究》项目。
2018.04.01-2020.03.30, “Privacy protection research for IoT-enabled smart healthcare systems” (Professor Huansheng Ning (USTB) and Professor Liming Chen (DMU)) was jointly funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61811530335) and UK Royal Society-Newton Mobility Grant (No.IEC∖NSFC∖170067).

3) 2017年2月,北京科技大学宁焕生教授和英国德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授申请中国工程院与英国皇家工程院“中英校企合作项目”--Collaborative Development, Demonstration and Innovation Partnership for Assisted Living(辅助生活研发、推广和创新合作)
2017.02, Professor Huansheng Ning (USTB) and Professor Liming Chen (DMU) applied “Collaborative Development, Demonstration and Innovation Partnership for Assisted Living” (China-UK university-enterprise cooperate project, fund by Chinese academy of engineering-UK Royal Academy of engineering).

2. 联合实验室及国际会议(Co-Laboratory and International Conference)

1) 2018年06月,北京科技大学宁焕生教授与德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授联合成立了“中英智能健康联合实验室”。
2018.06, “Smart Healthcare Co-Laboratory” was established by Professor Huansheng Ning (USTB) and Professor Liming Chen (DMU).

2) 2019年12月16日至18日,由北京科技大学宁焕生教授和英国德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授共同组织,在北京举办了第五届中欧智能健康与隐私保护创新论坛。
2019.12.16-18, The 5th China-Europe Innovation Forum on Smart Healthy and Privacy Protection was jointly organized by Professor Huansheng Ning (University of Science and Technology Beijing, USTB) and Professor Liming Chen (De Montford University, DMU) in Beijing.

3) 2019年12月16日至18日,由北京科技大学宁焕生教授和英国德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授共同组织,在北京举办了2019 网络生存、网络综合症与网络健康国际会议。
2019.12.16-18, International Conference on Cyber-Living, Cyber-Syndrome and Cyber-Health (CyberLife 2019) was jointly organized by Professor Huansheng Ning (University of Science and Technology Beijing, USTB) and Professor Liming Chen (De Montford University, DMU) in Beijing.

4) 2019年10月30日,由北京科技大学宁焕生教授和德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授共同组织,在北京科技大学举办了第四届中欧智能健康与隐私保护创新论坛。
2019.10.30, The 4th China-Europe Innovation Forum on Smart Healthy and Privacy Protection was jointly organized by Professor Huansheng Ning (USTB) and Professor Liming Chen (DMU) in USTB.

5) 2019年08月19日至23日,由北京科技大学宁焕生教授和德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授共同组织,在英国德蒙福特大学举办了第三届中欧智能健康与隐私保护创新论坛。
2019.08.19-23, The 3rd China-Europe Innovation Forum on Smart Healthy and Privacy Protection was jointly organized by Professor Huansheng Ning (USTB) and Professor Liming Chen (DMU) in DMU.

6) 2018年06月27日至29日,由北京科技大学宁焕生教授和德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授共同组织,在北京举办了第二届中欧智能健康与隐私保护创新论坛。
2018.06.27-29, The 2nd China-Europe Forum on Smart Healthy Aging and Privacy Protection (Share2018) was jointly organized by Professor Huansheng Ning (USTB) and Professor Liming Chen (DMU) in Beijing.

7) 2017年06月29日至07月03日,由北京科技大学宁焕生教授和德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授共同组织,在江苏南京举办了第一届中欧智能健康与养老论坛
2017.06.29-07.03, China-EU Innovation Forum on Active and Healthy Ageing was jointly organized by Professor Huansheng Ning (USTB) and Professor Liming Chen (DMU) in Nanjing, Jiangsu.

3. 国际组织 (International Organization TaskForce)

2017年10月,北京科技大学宁焕生教授和英国德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授联合组织IEEE Smart World Technical Committee Task Force on User-Centred Smart Systems 。 2017.10, Huansheng Ning (USTB) and Liming Chen (DMU) organized “IEEE Smart World Technical Committee Task Force on User-Centred Smart Systems”.

4. 专著、论文及Special Issue (Treatise and Special Issue)

1) 2019年08月,北京科技大学宁焕生教授和德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授联合出版《Cyber-enabled Intelligence》专著。
2019.08, Professor Huansheng Ning (USTB) and Professor Liming Chen (DMU) jointly published “Cyber-enabled Intelligence (CRC Press)”.

2) 北京科技大学宁焕生教授和英国德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授联合发表论文5篇。
Professor Huansheng Ning (USTB) and Professor Liming Chen (DMU) published 5 papers.

3) 北京科技大学宁焕生教授和英国德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授共同组织Special Issue on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence of IEEE Computer Journal (IEEE Computer Society Flagship Journal, IF:1.94)
Professor Huansheng Ning (USTB) and Professor Liming Chen (DMU) are Co- Editor of Special Issue on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence of IEEE Computer Journal (IEEE Computer Society Flagship Journal, IF:1.94)

5. 培养学生(Talents)

1) 2019年08月,北京科技大学派14名师生前往英国参加夏令营。
2019.08, 14 students and teachers attended the summer school UK.

2) 2019年08月,北京科技大学派5名博士、硕士研究生前往英国Liming Chen教授实验室进行交流合作。
2019.08, 5 students exchanged and visited to Professor Liming Chen’s Lab, UK.

3) 2018年09月,北京科技大学宁焕生教授、姚宣霞副教授一行5人前往英国进行合作交流。
2018.09, Professor Huansheng Ning, Associate Professor Xuanxia Yao and et al. exchanged and visited to Professor Liming Chen’s Lab, UK.

4) 2017年10月9日,由北京科技大学宁焕生教授和德蒙福特大学Liming Chen教授共同组织,在北京科技大学召开中英隐私健康研讨会。
2017.10.09, Privacy Protect Research for Smart Healthcare Workshop was jointly organized by Professor Huansheng Ning (USTB) and Professor Liming Chen (DMU) in USTB.

5) 北京科技大学宁焕生教授团队博士生胡鹏飞,于2017年5月15日赴英国Liming Chen教授实验室进行了为期半年的交流访学。
2017.05.17, Pengfei Hu (One of PhD student of Professor Ning) visited to Liming Chen’s Lab half of year.

6) 2017年7月,Liming Chen教授应计算机与通信工程学院宁焕生教授邀请,讲授了《Smart Internet of Things: Architecture,Technologies and Application》课程。
2017.07, Professor Huansheng Ning (USTB) invited Professor Liming Chen (DMU) to give the lecture of “Smart Internet of Things: Architecture,Technologies and Application” in USTB.

二、 健康社会实践(Health technology service)

1) 2019年08月,北京科技大学宁焕生教授一行5名师生前往江苏省如皋市参加健康助老科技服务。
2019.08, Huansheng Ning et al. organized technology service for supporting the elderly in Rugao, Jiangsu.

2) 2018年07月,北京科技大学宁焕生教授一行10余名师生前往河北省雄安新区光淀村参加健康助老科技服务。
2018.07, Huansheng Ning et al. organized technology service for supporting the elderly in Guangdian, Xionganxin Direct, Hebei.

三、 健康类相关论文(Papers of Smart Health)

● Qingjuan Li, Huansheng Ning, Tao Zhu, Shan Cui, Liming Chen. (2019). A hybrid approach to inferring the Internet of Things for complex activity recognition. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 1-11.

● Yu Zhao, Qingjuan Li, Fadi Farha, Tao Zhu, Liming Chen, Huansheng Ning. (2019). Indoor Activity Recognition by Using Recurrent Neural Networks. Cyberspace Data and Intelligence, and Cyber-Living, Syndrome, and Health. Springer, Singapore, 205-215.

● Shaobin Feng, Huansheng Ning, Shunkun Yang, Dongmei Zhao. (2019). Geriatric Disease Reasoning Based on Knowledge Graph. Cyberspace Data and Intelligence, and Cyber-Living, Syndrome, and Health. Springer, Singapore, 452-465.

● Li Nie, Xiaozhen Ye, Shunkun Yang, Huansheng Ning. (2019). sEMG-Based Fatigue Detection for Mobile Phone Users. Springer, Singapore, 452-465.

● Qingjuan Li, Huansheng Ning, Ismini Psychoula, Liming Chen. (2019). Recognition of similar activities based on activity relationship. IEEE Smart World Congress 2019. (Accepted)

● Ning H., Shi F., Zhu T., et al. (2019). A novel ontology consistent with acknowledged standards in smart homes. Computer Networks, 148, 101-107.

● Feifei S., Qingjuan L., Tao Z., et al. (2018). A Survey of Data Semantization in Internet of Things. Sensors, 18(2), 313-.

● Rongyang Li, Shan Cui, Xuanxia Yao. Access Control for Physical Objects in Internet of Things. IEEE Smart World Congress 2019.

● Ning, Huansheng, et al. (2018). Cyber-Syndrome and its Formation, Classification, Recovery and Prevention. IEEE Access, 6, 35501-35511.

● Ismini Psychoula, Deepika Singh, Liming Chen, Feng Chen, Andreas Holzinger, Huansheng Ning. (2018). Users' Privacy Concerns in IoT Based Applications. 2018 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI), 1887-1894.

● Xuanxia Yao, Huafeng Kong, Hong Liu, Tie Qiu, Huansheng Ning. (2019). An Attribute Credential based Public Key Scheme for Fog Computing in Digital Manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(4), 2297-2307.

● Haichun Zhao, Xuanxia Yao, Xuefeng Zheng, Tie Qiu, Huansheng Ning. (2019). User stateless privacy-preserving TPA auditing scheme for cloud storage. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 129, 62-70

● X Yao, J Wang, M Shen, H Kong, H Ning. (2019). An improved clustering algorithm and its application in IoT data analysis. Computer Networks, 159, 63-72

● Y Qi, X Yao, T Zhu, H Ning. (2019). A semantic-based inference control algorithm for OWL repository privacy protection. Computer Networks, 156, 1-8

● Xuanxia Yao, Shuying Ge, HuafengKong, Huansheng Ning. (2018). An Improved Clustering Algorithm and Its Application in WeChat Sports Users Analysis. Procedia Computer Science, 129: 166-174.

● Hong Liu, Huansheng Ning, Yinliang Yue, Yueliang Wan, Laurence T Yang. (2018). Selective disclosure and yoking-proof based privacy-preserving authentication scheme for cloud assisted wearable devices. Future Generation Computer Systems, 78, 976-986.

● Hong Liu, Xuanxia Yao, Tao Yang, Huansheng Ning. (2018). Cooperative Privacy Preservation for Wearable Devices in Hybrid Computing Based Smart Health. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1-1.

● Zahid Mahmood, Ata Ullah, Huansheng Ning. (2018). Distributed Multiparty Key Management for Efficient Authentication in the Internet of Things. IEEE Access, 29460 - 29473.

● Pengfei Hu, Huansheng Ning, Tie Qiu, Houbing Song, Yanna Wang, Xuanxia Yao. (2017). Security and Privacy Preservation Scheme of Face Identification and Resolution Framework Using Fog Computing in Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 4 (5), 1143-1155.

● Xuanxia Yao, Xinlei Zhang, Huansheng Ning, Pengjian Li. (2017). Using trust model to ensure reliable data acquisition in VANETs. Ad Hoc Networks, 55, 107-118.

● Zhao Min, Xuanxia Yao, Huansheng Ning. (2016). Physical Unclonable Function Based Authentication Protocol for Unit IoT and Ubiquitous IoT.2016 International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things (IIKI). IEEE, 2016: 179-184.