2018 Cyberspace Forum Keynotes

June 28-29, Beijing, China

Forum Keynote
Keynote Speaker:
Diego López-de-Ipiña

Universityof Deusto, Spain


        Dr. Diego López-de-Ipiña is an associate professor and principal researcher of MORElab group (http://www.morelab.deusto.es/) and director of DeustoTech-Societal Challenges unit, associated to DeustoTech (http://www.deustotech.eu), University of Deusto in Bilbao, SPAIN. He is the director of the PhD program within the Faculty of Engineering. He received his PhD from the University of Cambridge, U.K in 2002 with a dissertation entitled “Visual Sensing and Middleware Support for Sentient Computing”. His main research interests are pervasive computing, internet of things, semantic service middleware, open linked data, social data mining and mobile-mediated and tangible human-environment interaction. He is currently focusing his work on the role of citizens as active data contributors to the knowledge of a city modeled as Linked Data and exploitable through Big Data. He has been PhD supervisor in 15 dissertations. He has participated in several big consortium-based research European (EDI, SIMPATICO, CITY4AGE, GREENSOUL, WELIVE, MOVESMART, IES CITIES, MUGGES, SONOPA, CBDP, GO-LAB, LifeWear) and Spanish (THOFU, mIO!, ADAPTA, SABESS, PIRAmIDE, ACROSS) projects, mostly as principal researcher from the Deusto part, involving the adoption of mobile computing, semantic web, social data mining, linked open data, social robotics, smart cities, open government and Web 2.0 and beyond to novel AmI-related application areas such as urban computing, sustainable computing or AAL. He is the project coordinator for the EDI – European Data Incubator (http://edincubator.eu) H2020 project. He has more than 100 publications in relevant international conferences and journals on Ubiquitous Computing, Semantic Web, Middleware, Smart Cities and AmI, including more than 40 JCR-indexed journal articles.


Title:  Towards more Elderly-friendly Ambient Assisted Cities


        Two of the main current challenges faced by society are the growing urbanization and ageing of population. ICTs play a key role helping us addressing these socioeconomic problems which are paramount for our future progress. Firstly, this talk will overview the opportunities and strengths brought forward by ICT democratization in all societal sectors to make cities more age-friendly, sustainable, productive and satisfying environments. On the other hand, it will also review the weaknesses and threats associated to the increasing adoption of ICT to face these societal challenges. For instance, it will review the need to capture and process personal information to offer assistance services and ease decision making in cities, together with the threats to privacy that personal data management may cause. Several European projects facing the challenges of Sustainable and Inclusive Cities will be described in order to illustrate the high potential of this idea. Both their scientific-technological contributions and their economic potential will be overviewed, highlighting the potential of the Silver Economy – the new market opened to address the progressive societal ageing. Secondly, this talk will give further details about three core pillars to make reality this idea of more elderly-friendly ambient assisted cities, namely Internet of Things, Big Data and higher stakeholder participation and collaboration. Through use cases extracted from European projects, examples of novel personal health devices connected to Internet, new ways to correlate and process information in order to enhance decision-making and emerging approaches to make elderly people to have a higher involvement and engagement in aspects related to personal autonomy and their higher societal involvement will be provided. Finally, the talk will conclude exemplifying how Spanish administrations are addressing ageing problems through smart healthcare technologies.


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